《冥婚》 Ghost Wedding



故事 : 才華橫溢的攝影師陳志成從小就能看到常人看不見的東西,且長年被“紅衣女子”糾纏,導致身邊的親人與愛人陸陸續續在鬼影的操控下,於慘狀層疊中失去生命,也因此經常被神志不清的母親無端咒駡。由於天生與常人不同,又經歷過姐姐、姐夫的詭異死亡、靠近自己的女生也無故死亡,讓他不敢去接受新的情感,只能將自己封鎖在蜂擁而至的無盡驚悚與愧疚中,遭受身心的雙重折磨 。

The talented photographer Chen Zhicheng has been able to see things that ordinary people can't see since he was a child, and has been entangled by "the woman in red" for many years, causing his relatives and lovers around him to lose their lives in tragic cascades under the control of ghosts one after another. Because of this, he is often cursed for no reason by his delirious mother. Because he was born different from ordinary people, he has experienced the strange death of his sister and brother-in-law, and the girl who was close to him also died for no reason, so he did not dare to accept new emotions, and he could only block himself in the endless horror and guilt that swarmed. Suffered both physical and mental torture.